
What is love? Well, shit don’t ask me because I don’t have a single fucking clue. Trust me, I’ve had my fair shares of thinking the guy I’m with is the love of my LIFE! Ha, what a dumb fucking idiot I am. None of the guys I’ve dated have EVER, been the love of my life. Must say I’ve dodged a bullet with all these guys I have dated in the past. That’s right, I’m fucking single. Single as a pringle if I say so myself. I am on the market for some good Di.. I mean for a good man. Because, you know, I want to find my true love.

That’s what I’m looking for, my true love. It’s a plus if he can give me good dick though. Maybe I should put that on a sign, “SINGLE WOMAN NEEDS GOOD DICK and true love.” Nothing to out there you know? I know, I know, I sound desperate. I just want to find my true love. And dick.. it’s a bonus for me what can I say? The last guy who I thought was my true love decided that he didn’t know what he wanted. Other than to fuck me anytime we were together. Telling me that I was even BETTER than his ex of 10 years. How crazy is that? Me, better than her?

I think he lied, but maybe mama just knows how to work it.

Fuck, he was damn good with that mouth of his. The connection we felt, the feelings, and the penetration. God damn, I’m getting horny just thinking about it. NO, quit thinking about his cock. You are a happy single woman, and you can get better cock from somewhere else! Like…that toy that is hidden in your closet. No man can compare to that amazing little toy. I mean, it’s no man, doesn’t give me all the touchy, feely, kissy things that I want… It gets the damn job done okay?! Quit worrying about my hopeless romantic, dick craving, single woman self!

I’m fine, I’m perfectly fine! At least that’s what I tell myself. Everyday, for the past three years. YIKES!

I guess I should be honest, about why I haven’t dated in 3 years… shouldn’t I? Alright, you asked, so be it. It’s because I have this wall built up. I only open up so much to a man I’m with. Needless to say, there’s only ever been one man in my life that I opened up to. You know who that is right? GOD! Mother fucking GOD! Nah, I’m just fucking with you. It was a guy. No need for the details because I’m over that.

Seriously, I am over that.

I tried not long after dating someone. I can’t even count it as dating. We didn’t last longer than two weeks. He gaslighted the fuck out of me. I as a woman who knows what she deserves kicked his ass to the curb. HA, that rhymed! Seriously, whether you’re a man or woman, do not let a person gaslight you. You deserve so much better. He did that shit and he was lousy in bed. Sad, he could’ve at least given me good dick. I mean, I wasn’t asking for much. You just gotta work with what you got and add in some spice.

He left out the spice.

Non spice boys.

Oh shit, I haven’t even introduced myself yet! My name is Amber, you don’t happen to be my true love, or um, have good dick do you?

Part 4

Why is this happening? The dream? Seeing that planet for the first time? None of it makes any sense. I’ve never noticed that Planet before. Why am I seeing this now? I have to quit questioning. Yet, somehow I just keep questioning. Thinking to myself why would I see this in a dream and now I see it when I wake up? Could this be linked to the tentacles I see around here? Maybe it lives there? How can I figure out what all of this means?

Time for a shower to clear my mind. Standing there, letting the cold water run down entire body. You get use to cold showers since we don’t have hot water anymore. Still standing there questioning and overthinking about what I dreamt and saw. This shower feels amazing, time to get out and get dressed. I slip into the usual outfit and grab my headphones. I never go out without them. I’m planning to climb up this building to get a closer look at this planet that is in the sky.

I’ve never climbed all the way up here before. This building is dangerous. Has slowly been getting worse. Eventually, I’ll have to find a new place to live. This building, is tough to get up, I’m halfway there. I know I can do this. Bricks keep crumbling with every step or grab I make as I make my way up.

There’s a light.

It’s beautiful. Neon purple and blue.

I’m finally up here. It’s amazing. There’s a whole garden of flowers up here. It looks like someone has been taking care of it. There’s insects, even small animals up here. How did they even get up here? There’s a bench! Ah, I would love to sit down. This is nice. It’s so peaceful up here. The neon purples and blue make it look magical.

As I’m sitting there I notice something in the corner of my eye. I hurry up and get low so hopefully whoever it is won’t see me. It ends up not being a who, but a what.

It can’t be..

The tentacles!

People call me Jake. I’m 16 years old. I typically wear a dark blue zip up hoodie, torn light blue jeans, and black and white Vanz. I have semi-long black hair, long enough that if I wanted “bangs” to cover my eyes it could. I guess you could say I’m pretty pale, tall, and skinny. Not a bad skinny, the type of skinny that makes me resemble an anime character. I always have my headphones on. I listen to music non-stop. It helps me out quite a bit in this weird world we live in. Without music, the world is quiet.

Music has always been apart of my life. I remember when I was a kid how much I loved music. My mother would always push me to do anything music related. I remember one Saturday morning, my mother woke me up to tell me we’re having a, “mother and son day.” I instantly jumped out of my bed and rushed to get ready. I hurried and got my blue jacket on and mom had filled my backpack with toys and snacks. I didn’t know where we were going, but I didn’t care because I was with her.

We would always walk in the city. Never took a cab or the subway. While we’re walking I’m looking around curious as to where we are going. She wouldn’t tell me and kept saying, “it’s a surprise.” We finally get to this small music shop. I was stoked seeing it and couldn’t wait to go inside. We’re introduced to this rocker looking guy and I’m told, “he’s teaching you all about music, he’s your instructor.” My mom struggled with money but somehow she managed to do this for me. I gave her the biggest hug and started to walk with the instructor when the world took a turn.

“Mom?” “Mother?!” “Hello!?”

All I could see was her arm sticking out from underneath all the rumble. Part of the building had fallen on top of her, and she was gone. For the longest time, I just sat there, next to her, telling myself “she’s still alive.” Waiting for her to be like a superhero and just make her way from under the rumble. It never happened, and eventually I parted ways.

Typically, I’m off to myself. Others look at me and talk, because I’m not scared to go out into the night. What can I say? The night calls to me and I dive into it. I can hear what people say about me even though I always have my headphones on. I can also just read their lips and know what they are saying about me. “He’s crazy for going out this late,” “he seems depressed,” “why does he dress like that?” And so on. I’m not crazy, I’m just not afraid of what’s going out there in the night, and like I said, it calls to me.

In the night I run, jump, climb, and swing. With nature taking over within the city it’s easy to do all of that. It’s like parkour, what I do can be dangerous, but I’m not afraid. It’s how I can easily get around and not many will see me. It’s also how I found the tentacles in the city. I was running and jumping throughout this building and I saw it in the corner of my eye. It was at a window, it looked like it was searching for something? Or maybe it was waiting around for something to show up? It didn’t notice me watching it. I didn’t stick around for very long to find out if it would notice me either.

I hurried getting out of there. That was the first time I had ever seen something like that in my city. ‘Had it always been there?” “Was it here the day the world went to complete and utter shit?” “Is it something bad?” All these questions popped into my head. I want to know more, and I will find out more.

Sometimes, I wish the world was back to normal. You know, living in a crazy city, the backed up traffic, people yelling at one another to cross the damn street, kids screaming because they want an ice cream cone, horns honking, and tires screeching. I sure as hell miss that. The world was pretty great. You could go to the park, run around, walk your dog, have a picnic, or just walk around with a friend or loved one. There’s so much that I remember about the world when it was normal. Animals would be outside chasing other animals, bugs would crawl into the small cracks of your walls, and families would be together hugging, laughing, and full of happiness.

What’s the world like today, you may ask? It’s not normal, that’s for sure. The world is dark, but with some sort of neon glow to it. Colors of blues, pinks, and purples. It’s cloudy and rains every single day and night. Sometimes, the rain is heavy and sometimes the rain is light. In a way it’s beautiful, but in other ways… it’s terrifying. City lights still shine at night. The colors become more vivid and bright. The rain shimmers in the night like glitter in the light. Along with buildings falling apart, nature growing in where those buildings use to be, buildings that stand halfway up, windows blown out from the tree branches that grow within the buildings now, and the insane amount of water holes that have been created by the rain that never stops. The world isn’t normal, and yet it’s still so beautiful.

Sunlight appears through the clouds during the day. Or at least tries to appear through the clouds. I’m not awake during the day much. Usually, I sleep throughout the day and wake up when the night falls. I’m not sure why, but I feel connected with the dark, cloudy, neon nights. The rain that comes down with its beautiful shimmer. I’m not scared of what the world has become. I’m scared of what I’ve seen in the mix of it. These robotic tentacles come out during the night. Remember in Spider-Man, the villain Doc Ock? Well.. that’s what these tentacles are like, only… there’s no one attached to these tentacles. I’m not sure what they are or who they are, but I plan to find out.

Caught myself just wanting to do some creative writing here lately. I have more written out but wanted to see what you guys thought before maybe writing some more to it. It’s not perfect, but I’m pretty happy with what I wrote up so far.

Thanks for always reading ❤